by Andrew | Digital Art / Animation
This is an animated short story of a passionate home baker who follows his heart to start up his heart to start up his own bakery.
by Andrew | Digital Art / Animation
Fitlion is the first curated marketplace for all things in Fitness, Health, Beauty & Wellness for everyone.
by Andrew | Digital Art / Animation
NTUC Social Enterprises’ PioneersOK! package made life a little sweeter for the Seniors in Singapore. The special discounts, preferential treatment as well as exclusive programmes offered just for Pioneers were explained in this web video series.
by wayne | Digital Art / Animation
Client: Self Promotion
by wayne | Digital Art / Animation
Client: Self Promotion ← Darlie Disney Promo Rise of the Sea King → View...
by wayne | Digital Art / Animation
Client: Darlie Full 3d animation for a TVC commercial. Modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and compositing. Audio and post-production: Muse ← Choose Inner Peace → View...
by wayne | Advertising / Design, Digital Art / Animation
2D/3D Computer Graphics Concept/Art Direction ← Phokl Splash Screen Beyond Beauty International → View...
by wayne | Digital Art / Animation, Web / Interactive
2D/3D Computer Graphics Concept/Art Direction ← Toshiba Choose → View...
by wayne | Digital Art / Animation
Full 3d animation for a TVC commercial. Texturing, lighting, rendering and compositing. Audio and post-production: Muse Phokl Splash Screen → View...